To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of their AIDA64 software, FinalWire has released versions of the app for iOS and Windows Phone. AIDA64 has existed on Android for some time now, and the expansion to iOS and Windows Phone means that it's available on all of the major mobile platforms.

At the moment, the app can display various information about a device's hardware and software. Most of it appears to be taken from the device itself, which means that there is some variance between what shows up on an iOS device and what shows up on Windows Phone. For example, the iOS version doesn't expose the different ISO and shutter speed settings used by the camera app.

Some other information appears to have been manually added based on what is known about a device but not exposed by the operating system. This seems to be more of the case on the iOS side, where Apple's A8 will report its microarchitecture as "Cyclone 2". In the case of A7, the process technology reports as 20nm, which appears to be a mistake, as A7 is actually fabbed on Samsung's 28nm process.


I appreciate the fact that FinalWire has taken the time to design each app for its respective operating system instead of using the same interface across all of them. AIDA64 for iOS and Android is available now in each platform's respective store for apps. On iOS the app is free with ads, and a $1.99 option to remove ads can be purchased if desired. There don't appear to be any ads in the Windows Phone version yet.

Source: FinalWire

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  • Mushkins - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link

    I guess I'm just not sure what the point is here. AIDA is a tool to quickly assess the hardware in a PC, and it's useful because of the millions of potential PC configurations using thousands upon thousands of different components.

    These phones only come in one configuration. Every iphone 6 has the exact same hardware in it barring the rare one off late-gen hardware refresh situations. It's faster for me to google "iphone 6 hardware specs" than it would be to download and run this app, and then I dont have to delete it afterwards. There's just no use-case here.
  • Samus - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link

    It could be good down the line to detect counterfeit hardware, particularly smartwatches.
  • pgari - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link

    No every phone has only one configuration: remember the Galaxy 5? it could have different processors depending on the market. Or they could support different LTE bands.
  • Gich - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link

    Zenfone 2
  • 3ogdy - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link

    This is a mistake. Popular software shouldn't be available on CrApple products. Let those users in their own perfect world. They should keep living int he dark and pay BILLIONS more than smart users. It's not like they need a tool like that anyway - they are all using limited hardware that has so little variations a 90 year old could remember them.
  • Mayuyu - Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - link

    Google must be retarded for providing a CrApple laptop for every employee.
  • abcslayer - Wednesday, June 10, 2015 - link

    Do you live in cave and go hunting by now?

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