AG Neovo S-18 18'' LCD

by Kristopher Kubicki on October 2, 2002 12:51 AM EST


There were a lot of things we liked about the S-18.  We were very pleased with the NeoV filter, even though it may have been the cause of some slight color misrepresentation.  However, the extra piece of glass in front of the LCD screen was certainly an innovative and we would like to see more manufacturers ship LCD’s with a similar option.  While the S-18 carries a suggested street price of $1099, we were able to find it online for under $1000.  While this may be slightly pricey for many, compared to several other 18” LCD’s on the market, the S-18 is very reasonably priced.

The image quality of the monitor provided us with enough satisfaction to use the monitor for gaming instead of a CRT.  However, programmers other professionals whose jobs require spending long hours in front of a monitor will be happy to know the S-18 performs very well for everyday use.  We were slightly disappointed with the OSD, however we would only expect AG Neovo to continue improving their user interface.  Overall, we consider the AG Neovo S-18 an excellent buy for the money, especially if you can get one for under $1000.

The S-18 proves itself a high quality display, with very few flaws.  Both the Samsung 191T and the AG Neovo S-18 demonstrate the qualities we desired for monitors of their caliber, however we notices several differences.  The 191T (with no protective bezel) seems to perform better in the field of text processing while the image on the S-18 provided a slightly better platform for graphical development (and games).  While both had minor streaking issues, the champion for graphics appears to be the S-18.  However, keep in mind the S-18 is slightly smaller than the 191T (18.1 viewable vs 19.0 viewable).


As we continue to see LCD’s evolve and drop in price, we have to constantly keep on our toes.  As we see more and more LCD’s on the market, surely we will see new features and improvements that may just be the next best thing!

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