Quake III Arena quaver.dm3 - Pentium III 550E

Throughout the testing of the card in Quaver, many driver related problems were encountered, many resulting in system lockups. This is sure to change with the final driver release.

The alpha drivers of the KYRO allow it to be beat by the GeForce cards by a large margin when at 640x480. In addition, the card is somewhat crippled by the lack of T&L in a complex 3D environment such as Quaver.


Beating the Voodoo5 5500 with beta drivers is all that KYRO was able to do impressively at this resolution. Once again the card is most likely suffering from poor drivers and decreased clock speeds.

It looks like the KYRO is able to prove itself at 1024x768x32. At this resolution, the card is performing almost on par with DDR GeForce cards, falling only a few frames behind. The card continues to beat the SDR GeForce by somewhat of a margin at this resolution. The small difference between 16-bit and 32-bit color is a result of the same conditions described in the Quake III Arena 800x600 Pentium III 550E section. It should be noted that the KYRO is the only card that doesn't take a massive performance hit at 32-bit color without the use of texture compression. Thank tile rendering and its increased efficiency once again.

Quake III Performance: Athlon 750 (cont.) Q3 Quaver Performance: Pentium III 550E (cont.)
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